MAWS - Montana Association of Weavers and Spinners
Main Conference Class #5
Learn to Weave on a Rigid Heddle Loom (W)
Friday, Aug 2
9:00 - 4:30 pm
The rigid heddle loom is the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity. The ease and speed of warping a rigid heddle loom make it ideal for the beginning weaver. It is also a perfect loom on which to showcase handspun and knitting yarns. In this full-day workshop you will learn to warp the loom and start on your first weaving project! In addition to learning all the necessary steps for warping by the direct method, we will discuss simple project planning and weaving basics. We will also cover types and uses of a variety of threads/yarns, some basic finishing techniques, and the special attributes of the rigid heddle loom. Bring your own rigid heddle loom and yarns; Barb will help you select yarn prior to class. A few rigid heddle looms are available from Billings Weavers Guild to loan.
Level: Beginner
Material fee: $5
Instructor: Barb French

Barb French is a Maker who has had a life-long devotion to natural fibers. She learned to sew
and knit from her mother at a young age, and began designing and making her own clothes
during high school. Later, she added weaving, spinning and dyeing to her fiber obsessions.
Barb studied music and languages and taught for many years. While owning a yarn shop in
Bozeman in the 2000’s, the focus of her teaching evolved toward the fiber arts of weaving,
spinning, knitting, and others. More recently, her work centers on weaving garments and
rugs. As a founder of the Montana Fibershed organization, she also focuses on the
sustainable growth of Montana’s textile economy.