MAWS - Montana Association of Weavers and Spinners
Main Conference Class #15
Finger Manipulated Lace Weaves (W)
Saturday, Aug 3
9:00 - 4:30 pm
Ah, sweet lace! Learn to create and weave fancy lace weave structures on just 2 shafts! Warp
your rigid heddle or table loom according to Dawn’s instructions prior to class. In class, learn
variations of finger manipulated lace weaves such as Spanish Lace, Brooks Bouquet, Danish
Medallion and Leno.
Level: Beginners on up
Material fee: $5
Instructor: Dawn Ahlert

Dawn began exploring the fiber arts at a young age. Her passion for learning fiber arts has led
her to explore many areas of the media. Years as a hairstylist strengthened her understanding
of how fiber and color work together. Dawn received a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting
from Montana State University in 2000. She earned The Handweavers Guild of America’s
Certificate of Excellence for Level 1: Technical Skills in Handweaving in 2020, and HGA’s Level 2:
Master Weaver in 2022. She has also received the HGA’s Award that honors outstanding
exhibited works of fiber art. Dawn is a member of the Southwest Montana Fiber Arts Guild, the
Helena Spinners and Weavers Guild and is the current president of the Montana Association of
Weavers and Spinners (MAWS). Dawn shares her knowledge through teaching and conducting
workshops in both weaving and spinning.