MAWS - Montana Association of Weavers and Spinners
Main Conference Class #6
Fiber Blending and Spinning for Vibrant Color Effects (S)
Friday, Aug 2
9:00 - 4:30 pm
As modern spinners, we have a bounty of stunning dyed locks, roving, and combed tops at our fingertips. While much of what we buy is ready to spin, we can also learn to make our own unique blends and preparations adapted especially for our own particular use. In this workshop, we will prepare and sample a variety of yarns―tweed, marled, ombré, and more―while exploring color interactions and basic color theory. Learn to create several different preparations and blends using your handcards. Try your hand at color blending on a hackle (you may need Band-Aids!) Participants should bring several spindles or a spinning wheel in good working condition, a niddy noddy, and a lazy kate. Hand cards are essential. Some handcards will be available to borrow.
Level: Ability to spin and ply a basic yarn
Material fee: $20
Instructor: Kate Larson

Kate Larson is the editor of Spin Off magazine. She contends that the fiber arts are the
bridge between her passions for art and agriculture. She shepherds a flock of Border
Leicester sheep in Indiana and teaches handspinning and knitting throughout the United
States. Kate is the author of The Practical Spinner's Guide: Wool (Interweave, 2015) and
several videos, including How to Spin Yarn to Knit (Interweave, 2016).