MAWS - Montana Association of Weavers and Spinners
Main Conference Class #16
Gradient Yarns - A Spinner’s Study in Shifting Shades (S)
Saturday, Aug 3
9:00 - 4:30 pm
Gradient is defined as the relative increase or decrease in the magnitude of a property-- think color! Yarns with long color changes that shift slowly from one end of the skein to the other are a special spinning challenge. There are interesting ways to design a gradient handspun yarn without using the dye pot. Explore five different methods for keeping colors distinct using painted tops, dyed batts, and a few blending tricks. Participants should bring several spindles or a spinning wheel in good working condition, and the spinning accessories you typically use.
Level: Ability to spin and ply a basic yarn
Material fee: $20
Instructor: Kate Larson
Kate Larson is the editor of Spin Off magazine. She contends that the fiber arts are the
bridge between her passions for art and agriculture. She shepherds a flock of Border
Leicester sheep in Indiana and teaches handspinning and knitting throughout the United
States. Kate is the author of The Practical Spinner's Guide: Wool (Interweave, 2015) and
several videos, including How to Spin Yarn to Knit (Interweave, 2016).